Just another manic monday!
But it's also mask monday so that's alright! Today's offering comes from Eve Lom and it's their Rescue Mask which you may have seen me mention briefly before as I got it as a free sample from the Latest Free Stuff website.
First things first, the smell was HORRIFIC, you need a strong stomach for this one. However, if you can get over the smell the product itself was very effective. It's a clay mask so it tightens as it dries and your pores feel like there getting a good clean out, and afterwards my skin looked a lot brighter.
When I get samples like this I usually only use half so I can get two goes out of one sachet (I'm a cheap skate and like things to go further) but as I put this on I knew I wouldn't want to use it twice as the smell for me was too much. It's a really strange almost minty smell but not a nice minty smell. It does contain Camphor, so that's probably where that comes from. It says its a deep cleansing mask, which I agree with, it also says it's soothing and calming, which I don't agree with because of the smell and it also says it's good for puffy, tired, morning after eyes which I can't really comment on as my eyes weren't puffy when I used this.
Next thing is the price, a full sized 100ml jar of this stuff will set you back £55! Way, way, waaaay out of my price range! To me, it's just not worth it but if you have those kind of pennies you can get yours HERE.
What's your favourite face mask?
Thanks for reading,
Wench x
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